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Labor Doula
Do you know that studies have shown that having a doula at your birth decreases your risk of cesarean birth by 25%?! That just having a doula present shortens your labor time by (on average) 41 minutes?! That it lowers the need for pain medication by 10%?! And that it decreases the risk of being dissatisfied by your birth by a remarkable 31%?!
You must have known, and that’s probably why you’re here! You hired a doctor or midwife for your care, but you also want a doula for your support!
Doctors and midwives are responsible for healthy babies, and healthy mommies, and doulas are responsible for healthy minds, and healthy bonds. You see, we know that having a baby is an exciting time and that what matters most is that you and your baby are safe. But what also matters is that you give birth in a way that feels right to you. That you make decisions that are based on your philosophies, and your intuition. And that you are proud to tell the story of your birth again and again.
At Bell House Doulas, we help create the births that our clients tell with pride over and over again. Doula Matriarch, Dawn Bond, wouldn’t have it any other way. You see, birth matters. It matters to the person giving birth. It is the beginning of a major life transition; from woman to mother, and how it happens, helps shape who that woman becomes.
Your Bell House Doula will provide support in three very important ways:
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Your doula will be physically present to assist you with the following:
- Breathing techniques
- Labor positions
- Counter-pressure
- Massage techniques
- Reminders to walk, squat, lunge
- A myriad of other techniques designed to decrease the discomfort of labor
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Your doula will be emotionally available to you in the following ways:
- As you process what matters to you during birth
- As you navigate the emotions associated with birth
- As you manage stress and anxiety
- By offering words of affirmation during difficult times
- By providing validation during decision making
- As a compassionate active and reflective listener
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Your doula is a wealth of information regarding birth and will provide:
- Current, evidence based information
- Vetted resources for a variety of your needs
- Details regarding routine protocols in local birth facilities
- Details on everything from Bishop Score to APGAR scores
- Answers to every question you ask when unsure
- Assistance in acquiring knowledge on all relevant topics
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Doula Teams!
The labor doulas of Bell House Doulas work in teams of two. This enables you to benefit from the wisdom and experience of two highly skilled, birth professionals. Once deciding that you would like to meet with a team, both doulas will come to you for a meet and greet in order for you to determine compatibility (remember, the ability to attune with your doula is what produces the most benefit!). We want to be certain that we have chosen the right team of doulas for you to work with!
Prenatal Visits!
Once you have confidently decided that this is the right team for you, a prenatal visit will be scheduled for you with both doulas. During this visit, you will not only continue to bond with your team, but a series of topics will be discussed in order to determine your birth preferences and the support that will compliment it best.
On Call Doulas!
Your doulas will be on call for you from the moment you engage the services of Bell House Doulas. You will receive a copy of the call schedule which will indicate for you exactly who to call on which days. This system insures that the doula you have for your birth will be well rested and prepared to support you!
Postpartum Follow Up!
The doula that attends your birth will be the doula who does a postpartum follow up visit with you once you are home and settling in with your baby. This visit will be approximately one hour in length and is a great opportunity to discuss your recovery from giving birth and learn some tips and tricks for feeding, comforting and soothing your baby!
Bell House Doulas also offers private Childbirth Education Classes!
For details on scheduling a class at your convenience, contact us today!
*For families who prefer virtual labor support due to concerns regarding COVID-19, Bell House Doulas have systems in place to accommodate you. Please reach out for details.
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