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Sibling Doula

When you already have a child in the home, there are many things to consider to ensure there is a plan for the child’s care during your labor. Do you want the child present? What if it becomes too much? Are you more comfortable with the older child being home during the delivery? Do you have family or friends who are able to watch your child at a moment’s notice? Whatever the case, it is important to have someone be solely responsible for the older sibling so you as parents can focus on the important task of giving birth to your new baby. Our sibling doulas offer emotional support and expert guidance to children. Personalized care and support with a sibling doula is an excellent way for you to ensure a more smooth transition for the whole family.

Upon signing your sibling doula contract, you can expect support which includes:

  • An initial prenatal visit in your home to discuss your birth plans and what level of involvement you see your child having in your birth.
  • A secondary visit that can include a 2-hour date night, allows your child an opportunity to spend time with her sibling doula one on one. During this time your child can get acquainted with their doula and the sibling doula will find out what the child loves and can introduce age appropriate childbirth conversation and reading if parents desire. This is also a great time to familiarize themselves with your home and child’s routine.
  • Phone, text, and e-mail availability for you to discuss any concerns relative to your child’s experience during the pregnancy, labor, birth, or postpartum processes.
  • Access to our kid-friendly lending library.
  • On-call sibling doula ready to come to your child’s side during your labor and birthing experience.

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Call 772-444-2310 to speak with a doula today.
